The Friends of the Pamlico Library is an enthusiastic and generous supporter of the Pamlico Public Library. The Friends provide private funding to the library to enhance and enrich the services the library can offer the community.
The purpose of the Friends is to foster closer relations between the library and the citizens of Pamlico County, to promote knowledge of the functions and needs of the library, and to lead in the development of a program for the extension and improvement of library services and resources. The Friends raise funds that underwrite programs and activities beyond the capabilities of the library's budget.
The Friends of the Pamlico County Library is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Join the Friends of Pamlico Library!
FOL Board Members
Dr. Josh Rose
Sheila Cantine
Dr. Sue Lee
Jim Kellenberger
FOL Officers
Bonnie Cap, President
Mary Hiatt, Vice President
Rich Bartz, Treasurer
Carolyn Bartz, Asst. Treasurer
Jessie Aldridge, Secretary
See all the FOL organizational documents